Monday, February 23, 2009

read something that makes sense.....

Sound advice

With the philosophy that paranoia is a heightened sense of awareness, the following:

Never ask to get seated as close to the black box as possible, it is not funny and they notify security.

Have an extra couple of scanned copies of your passport with your luggage.

Keep the big notes in the left pocket and smaller notes in the right (depending if you are left or right-handed of course).

When you haggle, always smile and act a little mental - they might feel sorry for you and give you a better deal.

If people that you do not want to deal with come to talk to you, are trying to sell you something or hassle you, pretend to be deaf - they generally leave you alone very quickly.

Never say you are an American, if you look like one, dress like one and are one, say you are from Canada, If they ask you where, tell them a very small town 60 miles north of British Columbia, then make up a name.

When travelling through the Middle East, learn the phrase ‘Allah uh Akbar’ means ‘God is Great’. If you hear someone scream it… duck!

When travelling through Asia, always offer your passport with two hands and bow your head down as a sign of courtesy. Just do it, and observe, it is fun to watch and gives you an opportunity to get a sense of a culture quickly.

Carry a handbag (this includes men). Most terrorists do not look gay so you generally get processed at security checks quicker. It is also much quicker for you to put all your metal objects in a bag quicker then trying to remove them from the stupid silly plastic baskets they give you.

bobby chinn

here's a short intro about him
Half Chinese, half Egyptian, raised in England, lived in San Francisco and New York and now based in Hanoi, Bobby Chinn is one of the most respected chefs in Asia. Coming from a family of great cooks Bobby has always been passionate about food and he was taken under the wings of various cutting edge San Francisco chefs - Hubert Keller, Gary Danko, and Traci des Jardine where he learnt his trade. He now owns his own restaurant in Hanoi and his series on Asia is being filmed for Discovery. He has also appeared in the UK on BBC2’s Saturday Kitchen and Full On Food.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

spices do to the tongue what colours do to the eyes

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

why is it that when we try so hard for something it just falls apart
why is it that when we try to avoid a situation it inevitably comes back at us
why is it that junk food seem so tasty and attractive when it is actually bad for us
why is it that when we try to focus we lose focus
why is it that when we try to hold on to something it slips away
why is it that the grass aways seem greener than the other side
why is it that what we want we cannot have
why is it that who we want to love we take for granted
why is it that what we want to know seems a light year away
why is it that time flies when we are having fun and slows when we are suffering
why is it that people have to be born with illness
why is it that people have to prostitude for money
why is it that rich people have more money than kind hearted people
why is it that people have to grow old
why is it that we are selfish by nature and want things our way
why is it that our hearts are centered towards wealth and lust
why is it that we have such a thing called ego
why is it that people want to look good
why is it that we want people to think highly of ourselves
why is it that we cannot be contented with what we have
see the irony in my lines...
if i were a contented person i would not be asking so much questions

Monday, February 2, 2009

hmmm alright let me sum up singaporean's way of succeeding in an exam or test-
the way to succeeding is not by succeeding
but the way to success is when others fail

think about it...that is the selfish way that most of us think when it comes to competing for a place in the top 5 or that desired position in that bank....

anyways i remembered when i was a young lad and that after school i would run home to catch jamie oliver's cook show. i would write, remember every detail and ingredients to his recipe and after rush to the nearest market to buy them. this has once again rekindled the interest in me not that i gave it up or what not but mainly cause i dun have the time....tomo i will try some of the italian recipe that he came up with and with the line he always uses..."loadsa herbs and they just explodes in yr mouth"
his revolutionary food plan is really inspiring and never have i seen a cook that really cares about the health of people that much.....